Archives de catégorie : Colloques et conférences internationales

Appel à communication : conférence internationale de l’ESEH, 2013

La soumission de panels, de communications individuelles ou de posters pour la prochaine conférence internationale organisée par l’European Society for Environmental History à Munich, sur le thème “Circulating Natures. Water – Food – Energy” est désormais possible.

Pour cela, rendez-vous directement sur le site pour soumettre en anglais votre proposition avant le 15 octobre 2012.

Vous retrouverez ici : ESEH13-CallForPapers , le texte de l’appel à communication.



Note : ce billet est le 200e du blog du RUCHE, depuis l’automne 2010. Merci à tous les collègues intéressés par l’histoire environnementale de nous soutenir.

Colloque international du Groupe d’Histoire des Forêts Françaises. “Forêt et montagne. Evolution et aménagement”. 12-14 septembre 2012. Chambéry

Le Groupe d’Histoire des Forêts Françaises organise un colloque international intitulé “Forêt et montagne. Evolution et aménagement”. Celui-ci se tiendra à Chambéry du 12 au 14 septembre 2012.

Le programme et le bulletin d’inscription peuvent être trouvés à cette adresse. 

Appel à proposition. Conférence de l’ESEH. Munich. 20-24 août 2013.

Après la conférence organisée à Turku en 2011, la prochaine conférence internationale de l’European Society of Environmental History (ESEH) se tiendra à Munich du 20 au 24 août 2013.

Organisée par l’ESEH avec la collaboration du Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), elle aura pour thème ” Circulating Natures: Water-Food-Energy”. Vous trouverez ci-dessous (ainsi qu’en PDF) l’appel à proposition pour l’organisation de sessions et de tables rondes.

La soumission de propositions se fera à partir du 15 mai et ce jusqu’au 15 septembre prochain sur le site

The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, roundtables, papers, posters and other, more experimental forms of communicating scholarship for its 2013 biennial conference in Munich, Germany. The conference will be hosted and organized by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) and held at LMU Munich (LMU: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) from 20-24 August 2013.

The conference is entitled ‘Circulating Natures: Water-Food-Energy.’ We wish, of course, to attract high-quality scholarship and to tap into intellectual energy-flows related to all aspects of the blooming field of environmental history. At the same time, we  pecifically encourage proposals related to ‘Circulating Natures’. While always situated locally, nature also circulates regionally and globally through the movement of natural resources, products, people and non-human biota. What happens in – and comes from – one part of the world can have profound effects on other, often distant places. We wish to explore this theme of circulation – which is of basic importance to the multifaceted relationships of humans with the rest of nature at different times and in diverse places – with specific reference to the three, often interrelated, subjects of ‘Water, Food, and Energy’.
For more information and the complete call for papers, please visit our website: – Abstracts will be accepted between 15 May and 15 September 2012.


Appel à contribution : The Living and Liveable City: Health, Lifestyle and Sustainability (Mars 2012)

Appel à proposition pour la conférence annuelle de l’Urban History Group

29-30 March 2012

St Catherine’s College Oxford

The Living and Liveable City: Health, Lifestyle and Sustainability

The city has long stood as a model for the organisation and reform of human life. People have historically been attracted (and, for large periods, repulsed) by the opportunities offered by urban living because cities act as the conduits through which money, ideas, goods and technologies are created, circulated and incorporated into everyday life. In order to be an attractive and liveable place, the city requires a healthy metabolism through which society can be organised and regulated effectively. As cities develop they require improvements to public health, environmental justice and access to housing, recreation, culture and employment. These opportunities need to be freely circulated in order to satisfy the insatiable appetite of both the living city and its citizens. However, it is important to keep in mind that such circulation has often not been the case in the past, and even the most well-intended planning reforms sometimes favoured the privileged districts and layers of urban society.

This conference thus focuses on the notion of the living and liveable city in a historical perspective. There are no chronological or geographical limits to this theme. The city has been long depicted as a living organism created from the interaction of natural resources with technologies, ideas and entrepreneurial flair. The idea of the living city is both an imagined and a real response to the threats posed to urban life from disease, squalor and other forms of social and racial injustice. Meanwhile, historians are beginning to view towns and cities as the products of flows of ‘socio-natural’ inputs and outputs. The infrastructural, technical and technological development of the living city thus impacts on the ways that citizens live in the city. To turn a living city into a liveable city has always required more than sewers, clean water and drains. It has also necessitated the provision of, and access to, housing, culture, recreation, open spaces and employment opportunities. Notions of environmental improvement, sustainability and the “urban renaissance” increasingly concern urban historians, and, whilst they have nuanced meanings to contemporary policy-makers and planners, they are rooted in the long history of cities and the ways in which they were made liveable. This conference seeks to explore the extent to which various social groups and agencies have created living and liveable cities throughout history.

Some issues that the conference seeks to consider include:

* The changing notion of the living and liveable city and its multi-faceted evolution over time
* The concepts of ‘improvement’, ‘renaissance’, ‘environment’, ‘health’ and ‘sustainability’ and how our understanding of them has changed over time
* The sectorial construct of the environmental city: as the whole or as separate areas of contamination, escape or distinction
* The circulation and flow of “natural” resources within cities and between cities and their natural hinterlands
* The changing perception of cities as healthy, liveable and attractive places as well as the realities of social and environmental injustice during different historical periods
* How and why urban elites and residents have made certain parts of cities healthier and more liveable places, whilst neglecting other parts inhabited by marginal social and ethnic groups
* The historical relationship between urbanisation, public health and social policy either in improving urban life or furthering social or racial segregation
* The role of institutions, including the market, in creating the liveable city
* The construction and diffusion of socio-technological innovations, ideologies and other practices designed to make towns and cities attractive places to live.

The conference committee invites proposals for individual papers as well as for individual sessions of up to three papers. Sessions that seek to draw comparisons across one or more countries, or open up new vistas for original research, are particularly encouraged. Abstracts of up to 500 words, including a title, name, affiliation and contact details should be submitted to the conference organisers and should indicate clearly how the content of the paper addresses the conference theme outlined above. Those wishing to propose sessions should provide a brief statement that identifies the ways in which the session will address the conference theme, a list of speakers and paper abstracts. The final deadline for proposals for sessions and papers is 30 September 2011.

In addition, the conference will again host its new researchers’ forum. This is aimed primarily at those who are at an early stage in a research project and who wish primarily to discuss ideas rather than present findings. New and current postgraduates working on topics unrelated to the main theme, as well as those just embarking on new research, are particularly encouraged to submit short papers for this forum.

Pour plus de détails vous pouvez contacter les organisateurs :

Dr Shane Ewen
School of Cultural Studies
Leeds Metropolitan University
Broadcasting Place
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds, LS2 9EN
t:+44 (0)113 812 3340

Dr Rebecca Madgin
Centre for Urban History
University of Leicester
Marc Fitch House
3-5 Salisbury Road
Leicester, LE1 7QR
t: +44 (0)116 252 5068

Call For Papers, Place and Placelessness : un atelier virtuel de l’histoire environnementale

Le groupe de New Scholars de la Nouvelle initiative canadienne en histoire de l’environnement (  lance un appel à soumissions pour le 2e atelier annuel de Place and Placelessness : un atelier virtuel de l’histoire environnementale pour des étudiants de troisième cycle, le 7 et le 8 octobre 2011.

Ce congrès virtuel est pour des étudiants de troisième cycle et pour de jeunes chercheurs de toutes les disciplines qui voudraient comprendre mieux les rapports complexe entre la nature et la culture. L’atelier reproduira l’ambiance collégiale des colloques traditionnels avec une variété des outils d’internet, comme WordPress, Skype, Google Maps, YouTube, Facebook, et Twitter, pour que les participants partagent leurs idées. Ce genre d’atelier supprimera les frais ou l’empreinte carbone des colloques traditionnels.

Bien que la prévision soit que la majorité des soumissions sera des travaux en cours, les organisateurs seront heureux de recevoir des soumissions pour des projets multimédias alternatifs qui utilisent des outils en ligne pour encourager des débats à propos de notre rapport avec des environnements locaux, régionaux, et transnationaux. Les participants intéressés doivent soumettre un CV et un résumé de 200-300 mots pour expliciter le thème et le format de leur projet, et comment leur projet compliquera la notion des « saisons. »

Ce thème est défini largement, y compris :

* les quatre saisons (le printemps, l’été, l’automne, l’hiver)

* les saisons de chasse et de la pêche

* la migration saisonnière

* les saisons sportives ou les saisons vêtements

* le bois bien séché ou la nourriture assaisonnée

* un autre sou catégorie

Du plus les organisateurs accueillent des personnes qui ne soumettent pas des projets, mais qui « assisteraient » à l’atelier comme participant. Les deux jours l’atelier sera en ligne complètement, avec Skype pour la communication et le site web ( pour l’accès au programme, des articles, des présentations, des entrées de blogue, des remarques, et des liens vers d’autres sites web utiles. Tous les participants recevraient un casque-micro de Skype GRATUIT. Il n’y a pas des frais d’inscription, mais le nombre de places est limité, donc vous vous engagez bientôt.

Si vous voulez soumettre un projet, ou si vous voulez assister à l’atelier, contactez Andrew Watson, coprésident de l’atelier (awatson[no spam] Un programme complet sera annoncé le 29 août 2011.

Visitez aussi L’appel aux films. Des films seront téléchargés à YouTube quelques jours avant l’atelier, et ils seront le sujet pour le débat plénier.

Avez-vous des questions? Contactez Andrew Watson (awatson[no spam]