2nd ESEH Summer School, « Water, Culture, Politics », Venise, juin 2011. Date limite candidatures : 20 février 2011

2011 sera une année importante pour l’European Society for Environmental History :

du 20 au 25 juin sera organisée, avec le soutien financier du Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society de Munich, la 2e Summer School.

Elle se tiendra au Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani (Palazzo Barbarigo della Terrazza) à Venise, et aura pour thème général :  Water–Culture–Politics: Perspectives in Environmental History

18 doctorants de toute l’Europe seront invités à discuter de leurs travaux, encadrés par des spécialistes. La “summer school” offrira en effet des lectures d’universitaires reconnus, ainsi que des excursions autour de Venise.

Any doctoral student who is affiliated with a university in Europe and whose work touches on the general topic of the summer school (“Water–Culture–Politics: Perspectives in Environmental History”) is invited to apply, regardless of the time period or geographical location of their research. Issues that can be discussed at the summer school may include, but are not limited to the following:

·         Sinking cities

·         Water degradation and pollution

·         Water conservation

·         The politics of water-engineering and water-management

·         Environmentalism in water history

·         Cultural aspects of waterways and lakes in Europe

Candidature :

Applicants are asked to submit a proposal for a paper to be discussed at the summer school (400–500 words) by 20 February 2011 along with a short CV and the names of two references via e-mail (only!) to CarsonCenter@lmu.de (subject line: ESEH summer school 2011).

Preference will be given to doctoral students who have completed most of their archival research and have started to write.


Successful applicants will need to submit their paper (5,000–7,000 words including footnotes) by 27 May 2011. At the summer school, the group will discuss each paper and each student will present formal comments on the paper of a fellow participant.

The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society will organize the event and cover travel costs (within Europe) and hotel accommodation in Venice.

Please send specific inquiries to Christof Mauch (mauch@lmu.de).

Stéphane Frioux

Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine, université Lyon 2 Chercheur au LARHRA, UMR CNRS 5190 Président du RUCHE (2017-2019 et 2019-2021)

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Stéphane Frioux (12 janvier 2011). 2nd ESEH Summer School, « Water, Culture, Politics », Venise, juin 2011. Date limite candidatures : 20 février 2011. Le RUCHE. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/qtr9

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